August 3, 2012

Day 7: Relaxing

We spent all day lying out on the beach (needed to recover from yesterday's monkey attack after all,) so here's another short post.

A woman selling sarongs. Others were selling jewellery, watches, sunglasses, and other overpriced items to tourists.

The tide started going out at around noon, and these poor guys were raking up the seaweed that was left behind. By late afternoon, the water had receded so far that the buoys that originally marked where it was safe to swim were practically lying on the sand.

We've been trying to eat a lot of Indonesian food, avoiding places that only serve Western or non-Indonesian Asian food. Most restaurants that we've seen served a variety of cuisines anyway, so we've been ordering mainly the Indonesian items off the menus. This is the nasi campur ('mixed rice') that I had, which was white rice with a bunch of different yummy curries and side dishes.

Our hotel, Melia Bali, late into the evening. They light up the paths with candles every night.

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