August 8, 2013


So tomorrow is my last day in NYC, and today I'm posting my first blog post of the summer. Oops. Time gets away from you sometimes. I was trying so hard to slip seamlessly into the New York lifestyle and I think it might have worked a little too well. It didn't take very long for me to feel like a real New Yorker, because it seems that most people here, or at least most of the people that I met, aren't from New York either. And once you feel accepted, you're no longer a tourist. So much so, apparently, that I blogged way less than I ever did back in Toronto or even at Duke. Apologies! I did Instagram a lot though so I'll be including some of those shots in my next blog post, after I finally get around to looking through my DSLR photos. No idea when that will be, seeing as the day after I get back to Toronto, I'm jetsetting off again to Venice. Tough life, right?

To get back into the blogging mood before that post, this is a series of photos I took for the final project of one of the Duke classes I took this summer. It was a research project about the New York subway system, and for the creative part, I made photos of the busiest stations in the city completely empty of people. I crouched awkwardly without a tripod in Times Square, Grand Central, Union Square, Penn Station, Herald Square for hours to make these composites. It's eerie right? I thought it would be interesting to explore because people don't really notice what subway stations really look like. They're just in-between places you go to go somewhere else.

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